"My name is Natalie Brown and I’m (the founder, artist, designer) behind Threeologie."
Q: What is your favorite medium to create your art?
"I love creating art using my iPad. I use a range of apps from Procreate, Adobe Fresco, and even Adobe Illustrator. It’s such a fun way to create!"
Q: How would you describe your artwork or style?
"I would say my style is bright, sparkly, and fun! Plus it tends to favor the color pink!"
Q: How did you come up with your social media handle?
"Threeologie was my mom’s idea actually! She loves the number 3. I have 2 younger sisters so there are 3 of us girls. My mom always says people would tell her that having 3 girls is super lucky. So with that, she was like why not call Threeologie?! And that’s how my handle was born."
Q: Where do you find inspiration?
"I find that a lot of my inspiration comes from my city and traveling from time to time. I often come across beautiful old typography in my town and when I travel. All that art constantly inspires me to create."
Q: What piece from your collaboration is your favorite?
"It’s really hard for me to choose but I recently designed a few phone wallpapers for Disney Princess Style and it really pushed me creatively. I don’t usually do illustration but I jumped all in and they really like how all the art came out 😊"
Q: Why did you decide to collaborate with The Happy Planner?
"Oh it was such a great opportunity for me to work with The Happy Planner. I’ve been using their planners since college so for me collaborating with them was something I could not turn down. And I’m so glad we worked together. The planner came out better than I expected!"
Q: Favorite place to visit or place you would love to visit next?
"I love traveling so my next big travel spot I’d love to visit is Japan. I’ve only heard great things about it and not to mention some of the best creatives have come from Japan like Studio Gibli. Not to mention some of the most popular game developers are from Japan so I just feel like it would be a super creative city and that’s something I’d love to experience."
Q: Favorite holiday or holiday you like to celebrate and why.
"My favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the holiday feels and holiday decor. I love to fill my home with Santa, candles, stockings and so much more. I like to feel like I’m living in Santa’s House haha. It’s the perfect time to feel like a kid again."
Q: What do you consider your ultimate comfort food?
"Oh Mexican food for sure. I am Mexican and grew up eating homemade Mexican food from my mom. So that’s something I can always find comfort in."
Q: Describe your planning style.
"My planning style would probably be characterized as lists and a lot of doodles. Being a lettering artist I like to make everything pretty with color, lettering and doodles."
Q: What’s something fun or exciting you are looking forward to in the future?
"I am looking forward to spending a month in Mexico City. My husband and I like to travel to a new place every year or so and live there 3 months at a time. This time we will be in Mexico City for just a month (wish we could stay longer) and I am beyond excited! I heard the food scene is amazing and that they have some of the best Museums."
Shop Natalie's collection and the rest of the artist collaborations here!
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