Creative & Different Ways to Use Your Happy Planner® Stickers
Design Team member Mariel Reyes ( IG | blog) LOVES her sticker value packs - but inevitably - there will be some stickers that don’t apply to her or something she just doesn't track in her planner. That's when a light bulb went off in her head, and she realized: just because something is meant to be used one way, doesn’t mean she HAS to use it that way. ...and this is especially true with stickers! Mariel started looking through her sticker packs and came up with some creative ways to use popular Happy Planner® stickers that better suited her schedule and needs.
Here's a list of what Mariel came up with:
1. I don’t really do 'girls night in' or track my meals with dinner stickers from the 'Work It Out' sticker value pack, so I decided to combine the two! I covered the word ‘in' and now it is a sticker I use for going out to eat with my girlfriends! I just put the restaurant in the space for dinner.

2. I wasn’t using the practice stickers from the 'Mom Life' sticker value pack for my kids, so I decided to use them for myself! If there is anything you need to remember to practice, use it! It could be lettering, or even patience! LOL! Either way it is a great reminder.

3. For those that don’t work or are students, you can use the work stickers to mark homework. I just added some alpha stickers.

4. The bibles from the 'Faith' sticker value pack can double as books for reading or Book Club Meetings.

5. I combined the STEPS sticker from the 'Fitness' pack with the 'DR. APPT' sticker form the 'Mom Life' pack to have a custom sticker to add the time of my appointment.

6. I used the HYDRATE sticker from the 'Fitness' sticker value pack to chart the rain!

7. Since my kids no longer have playdates, I used this sticker from the 'Mom Life' pack along with the heart and NIGHT I cut off of the MOVIE NIGHT sticker to make a cute Date Night sticker.

8. Remember the MOVIE sticker I just cut? I used that and some popcorn to mark a matinee! We typically go to the movie in the afternoon, so this works perfect.

9. I used the TIME TO GRADE from the 'Teacher' sticker value pack and cut off the grade and added it as an accent to a quote. It can also be the header of a to do list.

The possibilities with our sticker value packs and Happy Planner® system are endless! We hope you've been inspired, and we can't wait to see how you continue to live creatively™ & plan a happy life™!
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