The Happy Planner® BUDGET Expansion Pack


It is MAY, ladies - yes, it's true. ...and it seems as though this time of year is the time to revisit resolutions made at the beginning of the year, whether they be fitness or finance related. One of mambi Design Team member Heather Kell's (IG | blog | YouTube) resolutions for 2017 was to get her finances in order. She wanted to keep better track of what she and her husband were spending, and The Happy Planner® Budget Extension Pack has helped her achieve this goal.

About these pages, Heather writes:

"One of my favorite parts about The Happy Planner® Budget Extension Pack is the monthly spread. I use the monthly spread to track our pay days and bills. I love that I can easily look at the month at a glance and know when bills are due. I can also flip back to past months to refer to how much we paid in previous months. It has helped so much!

"I also like to track big expenses for the month in the notes column. This helps me to prepare for extra things that might not normally pop up in a normal month.

I love the new budget sticker pack that released in March. It is perfect for the budget planner, so I used it to set up my May spread. I went ahead and wrote in upcoming pay days and bills. I am ready for May now! Here's to spending money wisely and saving everything possible! I sure am glad to have this planner to help me out!"

Shop some supplies Heather used by clicking on the items below.


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  • Nadine V.Savage

    Question: I just looked at 2 of the videos from Heather. Love her enthusiasm!
    I was wondering for monthly planning/budget. I am interested in knowing when my monthly bills are due and that I have paid them. My question is why not included number stickers to use in the budget planners? I guess I thought it would be faster to stick on a number on the month for each date rather than number each month.

    It is now September 11, 2021. I have been to Michael’s and Joanne’s. I am looking for the 2021 /2022 monthly bills or budget planners. Will more be coming to the stores?

    Thank you,
    Nadine V.Savage

  • Nadine Victoria Savage

    Hi Happy Planner,

    I am looking for an organizer that will allow me to keep track of the bills that I pay each month. What I just read about Heather sounds GREAT! I know am a simplistic person.

    Is this Expansion Planner heavy on content/ pages or more on the lighter side?
    i would love to hear your suggestions as to what I would need to purchase to set one up for myself. F.Y.I. LOVE LOVE your products! I ordered the extra note pages to place in my planner and I also bought an additional note book planner.
    Thank you!
    Nadine Savage

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