As the year winds down and the New Year approaches, you might be starting to think about setting goals for 2023: the next big project to tackle, a HUGE career pivot, or what major self-improvement to make this year. Often our goals get so ambitious in the new year we might easily bite off more than we can chew. And maybe after a month or so that BIG goal looks like an unclimbable mountain. So, we’re whittling things down and simplifying!   

There’s nothing wrong with dreaming above and beyond, but “keeping it real” about the commitments you’re able to make is an excellent method to maintain your goals in the long run, and avoid burnout come Spring. Join us as we share ways to plan happily, and plan well, for 2023. We also provide the resources, from fitness planners, to budget planners, to gratitude journals, and everything in-between!   


One of the busiest places in the New Year is usually the gym. But you don’t need to spend a ton of money on a membership to achieve basic fitness goals. Finding ways to stay fit might be the key to longevity, and our Guided Fitness Journal can help along the way.

Movement Snacks. Instead of setting aside a large chunk of time during your day to dedicate to a workout, break it up into smaller moments for movement. This might help relieve some of the pressure of “finding the time” and create a nice breath in the middle of the day to strengthen and stretch. Using our Fitness Stickers is a great way to drop reminders into your regular schedule to take a minute and move! 

Low-intensity Workouts. You don’t have to go completely beast mode in order to sustain a healthier you. If you’ve developed a recent love for walking, keep it up! You can try yoga, Pilates, or even simple mobility exercises (especially if you work from home and find yourself pretzel-like at the end of a day of minimal movement). It might help to dedicate a separate planner to trying and tracking new exercises.   



The mental is just as important as the physical. Making your wellness a priority may have been on your to-list list for a while - and now is just as good a time as any to reconsider or revisit a new or previously loved routine!  

Digital Detox. Disconnecting from technology has its benefits: less eye strain, fewer headaches for some people, and not nearly as much mental clutter from consuming hours of content. Take a break from the screens, and opt for a separate alarm clock, or read a book instead of scrolling. If you’re someone who relies on a digital calendar, this might be a great time to try and see what Happy Planner might work best for you

Creative Emotional Expression. Finding a healthy outlet for your feels is right up our alley. Channeling your thoughts and emotions into a craft or a good solid planning sesh is never a bad idea in our book! We have a slew of ways to express yourself, not just with our planners, but with crafts, and even home improvement projects. If you’re in a rut, tap into your creative side and see what happens!   



Budgeting may already be on your mind, and part of your planning, but reevaluating never hurts! We’ve recently talked about budgeting for the holidays, and if you’re someone who did the deep dive there, carrying it over into the new year should be simple! Here are some ideas to get started, and to shift your thinking.  

Zero-based Budgeting. The idea behind this method is to have your monthly expenses equal your income exactly. A great way to start is with one of our budget planners, where you can track your spending each month. This method is perfect for those who want to know exactly where their money is going.  

50/30/20 Budget. Looking for a great way to use a vertical layout? This might be the right budgeting hack for you! The concept is that 50% of your monthly expenses go towards necessities, 30% goes to your lifestyle, and 20% towards debt and savings. If you're someone who already compartmentalizes, this style might be a great, less overwhelming place to start!  



Rethink Your Morning/Sleep Routine. When you think about a morning and sleep routine, consider more than just waking up and going to bed! Maybe you need a longer wind-down time, or at least an hour to hit snooze in the morning. Whatever it is – making consistent habits in the PM and the AM could lead to better rest overall! A nice way to begin retooling would be to add habit tracker filler paper to your current planner, and work in your new habit slowly, over time.  

Journal For Fun! Been trying to start a journal for a while? It’s not always easy to stare at a blank page. We get it! Give yourself the freedom to write about anything you want whenever you want, and you might just find yourself filling the pages before long! When you put less pressure on yourself to start a new habit, you might find yourself more inclined to do it. If you need a jumping off point, we’d recommend a guided journal. Simply answer the prompts, and let them guide your thought process.  

No matter what your end goals are, it's great to have a solid place to start! We hope this gave you some new ideas, or at least a different way of looking at old ones. If you try out any of our suggestions for your goals in the New Year, please share with us on social @the_happy_planner. Let’s goal together!   


  • Patrice

    These are some great tips to reboot ourselves. This can be for any time and not just the new year. This is a great post to save and to go back to if needed at any point in your goal setting journey.

  • Veronica Bradley

    It would be great to have one of your creators do a monthly or weekly spread with new sticker books when they are released. Just an 💡

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